Therapeutic Date Nights

If you plan on reinventing yourself this new year, make sure you don’t leave your significant other out. In fact, there’s no better time than now to hit the refresh button on your romantic relationship as well. Whether this is your 10th new year together, or you’re still sitting pretty in the honeymoon phase, any couple can take advantage of the opportunities a new year presents. 

In order to establish a healthy relationship, mend any brokenness leftover from 2021, and rekindle the spark between you and your partner, any expert would recommend couple’s therapy. We’re not experts, but we do know a thing about relationships. There’s no problem that a little R&R, a (safe) way to let out some anger, and a drink or two can’t solve. We highly recommend giving this Couple’s Therapy themed date night a chance before calling up your therapist. 

R&R at Bluefern Spa

The best way to kick start your date night is by easing tension and getting into a clear headspace. Bluefern Spa in Suwanee offers many different massage packages, all of which will accomplish that and more. Be sure to book an appointment before you go and choose from a classic couple’s massage for an intimate bonding experience or individual massages to focus on each of your specific needs. 

At Bluefern Spa, you’ll also have the option to receive massage therapy, an all-encompassing massage for general aches and pains, or a specialty massage, which includes options such as aromatherapy, sports massages, sleep therapy and more. While a massage is great for reducing stress, get the most out of the experience and choose an option that’s relevant and relieving to you and your specific problem areas. Regardless of which route you take, you’ll leave Bluefern Spa feeling rejuvenated both mentally and physically, which puts you both in the perfect state to tackle our next date night activity. 

Let out your Anger at Axe Master Throwing

Chances are, you’re both still holding on to a little stress from 2021, and that may be holding you back from experiencing the best of each other. We know the perfect way to let go of the negative feelings you’re harboring so that you can start being the best possible version of yourselves—Axe throwing. Sure, it sounds a little scary, but it’s perfectly safe at Axe Master Throwing in Sugar Hill, and it’s most likely something you’ve never done before. You’ll need to book an appointment ahead of time where you’ll choose between 1.5 or 2-hour throwing sessions and a regular or interactive target experience. 

Before you start throwing, Axe Master Throwing will walk you through everything you need to know from holding your axe correctly, throwing techniques and aiming perfectly for the bullseye every time. You’ll want to pay attention because the entire throwing session is a competition, so you’ll be competing against your significant other. Who really won that argument over who’s turn it was to do dishes back in June? You’re about to find out. Once you’re done throwing and all of that pent-up aggression has been released from your body, you’ll be starving. So head on over to one of Gwinnett’s many breweries, grab a drink and some tasty food and get ready to talk things out. 

Get Deep Over a Drink At Good Word Brewing & Public House

Good Word Brewing is one of our favorite local breweries. Not only do they have incredible brews on tap, but their menu is full of countless other handcrafted drinks and meals that are equally as gorgeous as they are delicious. It’s the perfect spot to spend time together as a couple and share some thoughtful conversations. 

Order a flight or two (we recommend trying the Hollow Moon Stout and the Quantum Immortality English Porter) and some appetizers, and enjoy the flavors and ambiance of Good Word Brewing. We all know the key to a good relationship is communication, and you won’t find a better time to hash things out than post-axe throwing. So, use the time at dinner to reflect on your relationship over the past year and decide what you want it to look like in 2022. Soon you’ll be feeling good about things and excited for the new year together.


While our couple’s therapy date night has tons of potential, it’s not an end-all be-all solution to a seamless relationship throughout 2022. However, there are so many more incredible date night spots to be found in Gwinnett. Why not turn date night into a monthly occurrence? It will keep you trying new things and sharing fun experiences together . . . and it costs way less than a year’s worth of therapy appointments!