Pet Birthday Cake

Move over mustache baby showers and glittery unicorn birthday parties – it’s the pets’ time to par-tay! Celebrate Fido’s first (seventh?) birthday with a barkday cake from Pooch N Paws. Hosting all the pups in the neighborhood? Pupcakes and cookies are also available, as well as a number of doggy frozen yogurt options. The boutique pet shop also carries tiny party hats, so expect your Instagram to blow up from the insane adorableness.

Prices vary – Pooch N Paws at Suwanee Town Center and The Forum


Unicorn Pet Sweater

Can we be frank? Yes, we all love our pets, and yes, they are the most wonderful, sweetest, cutest pets ever, but…given the opportunity for a pet unicorn, we would all jump on it. Solution: turn your existing pet into a unicorn! Handmade in Peru, these comfy acrylic sweaters come adorned with a rainbow unicorn horn, colorful trim and leash opening at the neck.

$39 – Uncommon Goods


Game of Thrones Iron Throne Cat Bed (or, a kinda small dog bed too)

It’s pretty obvious from the withering looks your cat gives you that he dreams of ruling Westeros (or anything, really). He already assumes that wherever you want to sit is his throne; might as well give him his very own Iron Throne. Buyer Beware: if you have two pets, assume that Winter is Coming.

$198 – MadeforPets Etsy shop


FlexiPaw Phone Treat Holder

We’re going to go ahead and admit that our perfectly trained dogs look at the camera Every. Single. Time. It only took thousands of dollars and years of training. For those with less time/disposable income/insane ideas, there’s the FlexiPaw Treat Holder. This ingenious little device attaches to your cell phone and clamps a treat right above the camera lens for the perfect photo Every. Single. Time. (The DiG not responsible for spontaneously eaten cell phones.)

$12.99 – Amazon


Fish Agility

Training Set

I think we can all agree that fish are pretty boring pets. You can’t pet them, they can’t fetch, they’re not cuddly. But what if…WHAT IF…what if you could teach your fish to swim through hoops, navigate a slalom course, and even (dare I say it!)…kick a soccer ball (okay, nudge a soccer ball with its face). Train your formerly bland fish with this set of agility maneuvers, using techniques similar to those used to modify circus animal behavior – regular beatings and impending death (just kidding, it’s positive reinforcement and food rewards).

$29.95 – Hammacher Schlemmer