Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these custard lovers from the swift purchasing of their frozen custard.

In the age of electronic everything, do people even go to the post office anymore? They do in Grayson, Georgia; not in search of snail mail, but of a true special delivery.
Longtime residents know that 420 Grayson Highway is the home of the Old Grayson Post Office, but residents with sweet tooths know it also as the home of Berens Frozen Custard.
Founded by Don Berens, Berens Frozen Custard has been an Atlanta mainstay since 1976. An engineer by trade, Berens had just completed construction of the world’s tallest hotel, Atlanta’s Peachtree Plaza. Instead of following his next job to New York City, he decided to stay in his adopted hometown of Atlanta and bring a staple of his New York childhood to the south. When Don passed away in 2010, his son Mark – famous for scooping custard behind the counter since he was 12 – took over the business.
The building has the feel of a classic, old school dessert shop, and has the resume to back it up as well. A brick building built in the 1960s, this was actually Grayson’s third post office. It has since housed Grayson Diner, Sam’s on Main and a variety of other restaurants. Additionally, the Scout Troop 499 scout hut in Berens’ “backyard” has been used by Troop 499 continuously since 1960, and is thought to have previously served as the first Grayson City Council building.
Berens Frozen Yogurt
420 Grayson Parkway
Look for the American flag raised over the building in a nod to its postal heritage!
Immensely proud of its heritage, the City of Grayson has worked hard to preserve its historical sites. For more information and a list of sites curated by the City Historian, visit