There’s no widely accepted verdict on how cornhole, one
of America’s favorite pastimes at the moment, came to
be. Some attribute the game to Native Americans, some
to Germany and some to a Kentucky farmer. While it’s not
widely known who is to credit for the bean bag-slinging
challenge so many barbecues, breweries and tailgates have
played host to, it is known that the NFL is to thank for its
resurgence across the country.

Specifically, fans of the Cincinnati Bengals. When a group
of eyeblack-clad fans initiated the game at a tailgate about
15 years ago, fans from the opposing team caught on and
relayed it to their next tailgate, spreading the knowledge of
the game to every team in the NFL. It didn’t take long before
cornhole surpassed tailgates and seeped into the real world
of burgers, beer and backyards.

Today, anyone can buy a cornhole board or join a cornhole
league. And with boards and bags accessible to the public
at restaurants, bars and city centers across Gwinnett County
and metro Atlanta, it’s easily one of the most affordable
and accessible hobbies. There’s no cost for entry into this
sport. Simply get your practice sessions in at a local hangout
spot and take some time getting to learn the sport before
deciding if it’s for you.

Once you’re making consistent airmail shots (scoring three-
pointers without touching the board), it’s time to join the big
leagues. Grab a friend and join a local league, buy a board
and bags for backyard play or—if you’re a creative at heart—
DIY your own board.

If you’re unsure where to find a league to join, CornholeATL
hosts many across metro Atlanta and in multiple Gwinnett
County cities every season of the year. Games happen once a
week, and each season concludes with a tournament where
you’ll have a chance to win gift cards to local restaurants,
swag and cornhole gear. So, what are you waiting for? Head
to your nearest brewery, grab a bean bag and start tossing!

Visit for more information on
joining a league.